Tuesday, November 9, 2010

This is the face of the baby......

This is the face of the baby who slept through the night last night!  Yes siree!  In his bed all night - 11:30pm to 7:15am - no waking up, no crying!  Yea for Ben!  The night before he went from 11:30 to 5am, then to his swing until 8:30am.  Have we finally reached the point of nighttime sleep again?  Or, am I speaking too soon?  Time will tell. Ben has been doing some smiling all along, but he has broken into big full face smiles these last 2 weeks along with lots more "talking."  He also did some "singing along" when I played the piano this evening. Hopefully we have another music lover in the family.  Matt is definitely a music lover just like Mom and Dad.

Here is another picture of the boys that Matt asked me to take.  These boys are loving on each other.  When Ben has a choice between looking at Mommy and looking at Matt, he chooses Matt.  It is so sweet how Matt plays with Ben and talks baby talk to him.  I talked to Matt a little bit tonight about how Ben is going to be copying EVERYTHING Matt does as soon as Ben can.  We talked about how Matt is going to have to be a good example for Ben.  Maybe some of these early talks will sink in......

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Small town grocery store - 1

Score 1 for the small town grocery store.  I went to MOPS this morning in Canadian, which is about 35 min. from Wheeler.  After a fabulous time with new friends, Ben and I stopped by the Lowe's grocery store in Canadian.  I picked up a few things we needed at the house, then headed to the checkout.  When I arrived at the checkout, I realized that I had no wallet.  The cashier kindly offered to watch Ben while I went and checked in the car for it.  Not there either.....ugh!  So I went back and told her that I couldn't find it, and we would just go if she didn't mind putting the groceries back.  She really wanted to help, so she checked with the customer service desk and asked if I could just mail them a check for my $10 worth of groceries.  They said it was fine.  So, she cashed me out and had me write down my name and number.  Then sent me on my way with my groceries. 

Pretty cool, huh!  Just have a feeling WalMart would not have said the same thing....not that I don't love WM, but I have to hand it to Lowe's: they made this Mom - who doesn't always have it all in the bag, if you know what I mean...- feel pretty good today.  [I should also mention, that 2 different men also offered to pay for the groceries.  (That was kind of embarrassing!)]

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Super Dale Brothers

Matt AKA Mario

Matt/Mario - Ben/Luigi - David/Daddy (the baby holder)
Here are the Super Mario/Dale Brothers in their Halloween costumes.  One of the beauties of living in a small town is that the town can decide if they want to have Trick or Treating early (since Halloween falls on Sunday this year).  So we got dressed up for T or T tonight (Sat.).  We cruised down Main St. going to any houses that had a porch light on.  Main St. is a VERY popular place to T or T.  There were tons of kids out looking for the goods!  So we got tons more candy to add to our growing collection of "candy to throw out next Halloween because we couldn't/shouldn't eat it all"!  

Matt started piling up the candy stash last week when we went to a Fall Festival.  Then his PreK class went T or T around town on Friday in costume (all 35 or so of them! - brave or crazy teachers - I'm not sure!).  Add that to what we got going up and down Main St.  And it is pretty much a candy buffet!  No need to cook dinner.  Just pick your dinner from this bag of candy.......

Maybe we should sell the candy to pay for the dental bill.......

Happy Halloween!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Its "Ben" a while

Ha, ha!  I just discovered a very useful use of Ben's name.....so clever, I know!  Ah, Ben.  What can I say.  Babies are joy and exhaustion and wonder and confusion all wrapped into one package.  Ben is starting to get the hang of his days and nights.  He is still eating once or twice in the middle of the night, but that's to be expected for a few more weeks.  Ben is a pacifier lover so far.  Matt would never take one, so its a change to make sure to always have one on hand.

Speaking of Matt, he is a FABULOUS big brother.  I was prepared for total mutiny against Mommy, Daddy, and possibly baby brother.  However, Matt just wants to pet Ben and kiss him.  Every time Ben starts to cry, Matt is calling for the pacifier.  He's pretty good at getting it in Ben's mouth too.  Its been especially great in the car to have eyes in the back seat - and extra hands when we are stopped in the drive through and Ben spits out the pacifier.  Matt just hops out of his seat and pops the paci back in.  He was so amazed in the first weeks every time Ben would actually be awake.  "Mommy, his eyes are open!"  "Look at him, he has eyes!"  What a great kid!!!

Matt is doing great at school.  Today some other kid hit him and he didn't hit back!  I'm so proud!  His teachers think he's very smart.  He's really getting his alphabet and numbers solidified now.  Matt was so confused in the first few days of school because there were several kids who were crying for their moms all day long.  He couldn't understand why someone wouldn't want to be at school.  Also, Matt has done really well with having Daddy as his principal.  He makes sure the other kids know that his Daddy is in charge and they better keep it in line! 

And now, a "Mommy needs to vent" saga:  Tuesday we all went to Pampa for David's first orthodontic appt. with a new Dr.  When it came time for David to get his new wires, the assistant thought it would be about 30-45 min.  So, I decided to take the kids to McDonald's so Matt could play.  When we arrived I was talking on the phone while trying to get Ben out, and Matt opened his door and fell out of the car.  He starting screaming (I should mention here that I was previously upset before we got to McD's so I really wasn't in the mood!) and crying.  I pretty much hung up on Dave and checked on Matt with less than much compassion.  We finally made it inside.  I didn't want to spend much $$, so I just ordered a happy meal for me since Matt had already had lunch at school.  Matt immediately started whining about how hungry he was and how he needed to eat again (and etc...)  Not in the mood!  So I send him to the playground while I wait for my food.  (He doesn't stay.)  In the process of corralling Matt back to the playground, toting diaper bag and car seat, and carrying my tray, I sent my Sprite crashing to the floor in front of everyone.  Noone steps up to say they will get it or clean it up or anything, so I take the boys to the playground - put Matt on "watch Ben" duty, and return to start cleaning up the Sprite.  After getting all of the ice picked up, finally an employee steps up to say she will have someone clean it up and she'll get me a new drink.  AAAH - 3 minutes ago would have helped my attitude!  Finally I sit down to eat.  No other kids to play with, so Matt is hanging out at my table ogling my food and whining....  It's also time for Ben to eat and I want to get him fed before its time to get Daddy.  Ben is not interested in eating, just sleeping.  I was kind enough to share my meager lunch with my "starving" son.  I got about 1/2 an oz. of Ben's usual 4 oz. down him before Daddy called.  By then, Ben was ready to eat, so removing the bottle caused angry screaming as did re-buckling the car seat.  Matt was kind enough to open doors for us as we attempted to get to the car quickly.  The only problem was when we got to the outside door, he pushed, but didn't move his feet.  So down on his booty he went, the door jammed him in the back and scraped his arm.  So, you guessed it, screaming and crying.  (Did I mention that at this particular moment, we are in the small hallway between the outside and inside doors where every sound is amplified by at least 5000 decibels?)  So, Ben is angry crying, Matt is slightly hurt and dramatically crying and Mommy is just about to totally lose it.  I just put my head in my hands and considered collapsing in the floor and breaking into tears myself.  But for the sake of the people at McDonalds I picked up my children and herded them to the car to go get Daddy.  There, now you know my story.  In the end, Matt was fine, Ben got fed (at walmart!) and Daddy was rescued from the orthodontist's office.  And I ended up crying anyway, but not, to David's great relief, while the kids were crying too.  And, I got ice cream out of the deal.......

Speaking of Ben eating, its about that time.  So, goodbye for now blogging.  Maybe it will be less than a month before I appear here again with more great stories to tell.......

This is Matt's idea of entertaining Ben for a few minutes.....

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Short and sweet

  Not alot to tell this time.  Got the bathroom painted (took 1 coat of primer and 2 coats of color for the entire bathroom!  UGH!).  However it looks SOOOOO much better.  Bright and fresh.  I also attempted to completely clean the house to be ready for post-birth guests.
  As of last Thursday, Matt and I are pretty much living with my parents in Amarillo until Baby Ben comes.  I didn't really want to risk having David deliver his 2nd born in the car on the way to Amarillo.  And, I'm guessing he appreciates that as well. 
  David and I attended a great marriage conference in Amarillo this past weekend.  It was really great and got us thinking about how much more we need to invest in our marriage to make our family better.  Marriage Today is the ministry that ran the event.  Check it out for some AWESOME marriage resources! 
  No real contractions yet.  I'm having more false ones though, so maybe its a good sign.  Dr. said I am good to go on having him anytime now.    I tried really hard for 8/2/10 (you know it was the perfect date 8+2=10!), alas without success.  Maybe 8/3 instead?  Come on Benjamin Grant!  We (think!) we're ready for you!!!
4 Generations - Grandma Jessie, Mom, Me, and Matt (and soon to appear - Ben)
Near Ruidoso, NM, June 2010

Lovin the mountains!

The Fam at Monjeau Lookout (yes, I climbed some serious stairs to get up here!)

Monday, July 26, 2010

Sally, Sons, and Primer?

So my sweet friend Sally suggested that I start a blog so that my old and new friends could keep up with the Dale Fam happenings. So, sweet Sally, here it is.

The Dale fam is officially moved and nearly unpacked. The main house is done, but we have put off the guest house for 2 reasons: 1 - we don't see it every day, so we don't have to think about it not being done yet...., 2 - our wonderful landlord agreed to replace the carpet out there so the dog pee smell would go away. So, really, why do it up right yet? The house is looking fab though. We have painted: nursery, Matt's room, master bedroom, and master bath. Today (7/26) I worked up the courage to begin on Matt's bathroom. It has dark wood paneling on the bottom and turquoise paint on top. The goal is creamy white on bottom and boyish blue on the top. I got the paneling and doors primed today. Hopefully, the courage will continue tomorrow as I think about starting on the blue top, and maybe the creamy paneling.......

Both boys are doing great. Matt is loving the new house, especially the nice backyard where he can play a lot, and Mom can see him out the window. Today, he played with the water hose and gave the grass and mud hole a great drink. I think the mud hole is his favorite though. Wish I had a pic of him before he shed his clothes on the back porch. He was fairly covered in sandy soil! Ben (AKA baby brother, -3 wks. and counting) seems to be doing great too. Dr. says hold him for one more week. Then have him if you want to. Sounds good to me. Ben, did you hear that? 7 more days and you are free to enter the big world. Of course, if he's like Matt, he'll wait to be right on time, and not a one minute before he's ready.

Some pics of the nursery......