This is the face of the baby who slept through the night last night! Yes siree! In his bed all night - 11:30pm to 7:15am - no waking up, no crying! Yea for Ben! The night before he went from 11:30 to 5am, then to his swing until 8:30am. Have we finally reached the point of nighttime sleep again? Or, am I speaking too soon? Time will tell. Ben has been doing some smiling all along, but he has broken into big full face smiles these last 2 weeks along with lots more "talking." He also did some "singing along" when I played the piano this evening. Hopefully we have another music lover in the family. Matt is definitely a music lover just like Mom and Dad.
Brothers |
Here is another picture of the boys that Matt asked me to take. These boys are loving on each other. When Ben has a choice between looking at Mommy and looking at Matt, he chooses Matt. It is so sweet how Matt plays with Ben and talks baby talk to him. I talked to Matt a little bit tonight about how Ben is going to be copying EVERYTHING Matt does as soon as Ben can. We talked about how Matt is going to have to be a good example for Ben. Maybe some of these early talks will sink in......
Omigoodness! THAT video takes me back. Those sweet little baby noises and the flailing around. Very precious and fleeting. Who knew?