The Dale fam is officially moved and nearly unpacked. The main house is done, but we have put off the guest house for 2 reasons: 1 - we don't see it every day, so we don't have to think about it not being done yet...., 2 - our wonderful landlord agreed to replace the carpet out there so the dog pee smell would go away. So, really, why do it up right yet? The house is looking fab though. We have painted: nursery, Matt's room, master bedroom, and master bath. Today (7/26) I worked up the courage to begin on Matt's bathroom. It has dark wood paneling on the bottom and turquoise paint on top. The goal is creamy white on bottom and boyish blue on the top. I got the paneling and doors primed today. Hopefully, the courage will continue tomorrow as I think about starting on the blue top, and maybe the creamy paneling.......
Both boys are doing great. Matt is loving the new house, especially the nice backyard where he can play a lot, and Mom can see him out the window. Today, he played with the water hose and gave the grass and mud hole a great drink. I think the mud hole is his favorite though. Wish I had a pic of him before he shed his clothes on the back porch. He was fairly covered in sandy soil! Ben (AKA baby brother, -3 wks. and counting) seems to be doing great too. Dr. says hold him for one more week. Then have him if you want to. Sounds good to me. Ben, did you hear that? 7 more days and you are free to enter the big world. Of course, if he's like Matt, he'll wait to be right on time, and not a one minute before he's ready.
Some pics of the nursery......
I LOVE that brown chair. Is it a rocker AND a glider? Please let me sit there sometime. Welcome to the world of blogging. I'll be checking regularly as the link called "janae" is listed on my blog under the "people watching" menu. Try it out! It works!
ReplyDeleteYo. Check out my blog, you made an appearance in a post called "Trusty Old Mule"- you look great!